Lipedema Goals and Resolutions for 2024

As we begin the new year, it's natural to reflect on the past and set goals for the future. However, this year, I’ve decided to intentionally, adamantly approach things differently. Instead of chasing unrealistic ideals, my goal this year is to prioritize self love and acceptance first. Lipedema can make this journey extremely difficult, but that makes it even more important. By practicing self love and setting reasonable, sustainable resolutions and goals for 2024, we are much more likely to improve our mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing.

Understanding Lipedema

Lipedema is a condition that largely affects people assigned female at birth. It is characterized by the abnormal accumulation of fat in the body. “Larger lower body” is often discussed and commonly suggested as the norm of lipedema, however, lipedema can be present from head to toe, often affecting arms and abdomen. While lipedema can lead to discomfort, pain, and swelling, it's essential to remember that your worth and beauty are not defined by your appearance or the differences in your body. Embracing self love and acceptance will help you cope with the challenges that lipedema may present.

Exploring Self Love and Acceptance

Prioritize Self Care: In 2024, make self care a non negotiable part of your routine. This doesn't mean extravagant spa days every week but rather simple acts of self love like daily skincare, meditation, or reading a book. Look at yourself in the mirror. Thank your body for carrying you through each day. Start for a few seconds and work your way up. Small, consistent efforts can go a long way in improving your overall wellbeing.

Practice Positive Self Talk: Replace self criticism with self compassion. Challenge negative thoughts and replace them with kind, affirming statements. Remind yourself of your worth, beauty, and strength. You are more than your condition, and your self worth is not determined by your appearance. If you find yourself saying something negative about your body, make it a goal to stop and think of one positive to replace that negative. Slowly but surely, if you stick with it, positive self talk can become a habit.

Set Realistic Health Goals: Instead of aiming for extreme weight loss or drastic changes, focus on attainable health goals. Create a plan tailored to your specific needs and limitations. It’s okay to modify any diet or exercise suggestions you are researching to fit your personal needs and preferences. Try to get to know your body. Keep a notebook or journal if that feels helpful. Try to figure out which foods, supplements, medications, activities make your body happy and which don’t. Schedule those appointments you have been putting off. Preventative care is just as important as treatment and maintenance. You are worth it, and your body will thank you. Whether it's gentle exercises, dietary adjustments, or regular check ups, prioritize your health in a sustainable way.

Seek Support and Community: You're not alone in your journey with lipedema. You can connect with others who understand your challenges. I was so ashamed of myself for so long, embarrassed to discuss my body because I had been defeated by doctors and peers and societal expectations. Facebook and Instagram have a surprising number of Lipedema groups full of people just like you and me! Resources are becoming more common as we learn more and begin speaking up. Sharing experiences and advice can provide a sense of belonging and reduce feelings of isolation.

Embrace Mindfulness: Mindfulness practices, such as meditation, yoga, journaling, etc. can help you stay grounded and reduce stress. Mindfulness encourages acceptance of the present moment, which can be especially empowering when living with a chronic condition like lipedema.

Celebrate Your Victories: Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small they may seem. Whether it's walking through your home or around the block, wearing your favorite outfit, managing your pain better, getting a nap or a good night of rest, each step forward is worth celebrating. YOU are worth celebrating.

Seek Professional Help: If you find yourself struggling with self love and acceptance, finding peace, or general day to day life, consider therapy or counseling. A trained therapist can provide valuable tools and guidance to help you navigate your emotions, explore coping mechanisms, and build a more positive self image. There is no shame in seeking help. Advocating for yourself is empowering and a fundamental in self love.

Final Thoughts

In 2024, let your New Year's resolutions and goals revolve around self love and acceptance. I know it may sound cheesy or cliche, but seriously, we’ve already tried everything else. Let’s give this a real shot. Lipedema may pose unique challenges, but it does not define your worth or your beauty. By prioritizing self care, practicing positive self talk, setting realistic health goals, seeking support, embracing mindfulness, celebrating victories, and seeking professional help when needed, we are much more likely to improve our mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing.

Remember that self love is a journey, not a destination. Be patient with yourself, and understand that progress may come in small, meaningful steps. Embracing this journey of self love and acceptance, you'll find that your overall quality of life will improve, and you'll be better equipped to face the challenges that come your way. Love and Lipedema Awareness (LALA) is here to cheer you on and help any way we can. Here’s to an amazing 2024!


Lipedema Types